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Partnership with CYCE Program

Pathfinder Career Academy of Ohio is excited to announce its partnership with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Youth and College Education (CYCE) program! CYCE offers a comprehensive suite of programs designed to provide middle and high school students with immersive, hands-on experiences in the healthcare field. Pathfinder Career Academy students have direct access to many of these programs.

One of CYCE’s flagship offerings is their student shadowing program, which gives high school students opportunities to shadow healthcare providers across various professions. This program allows students to gain valuable insights into the day-to-day operations and responsibilities of medical professionals, building a deeper understanding of these professions. Because of the goals of the organization, the leadership of Pathfinder Career Academy intends to take advantage of this opportunity to advance their students’ career knowledge and interest. This is a true opportunity to add an extra dimension to their learning experiences, making each experience unique to our students!

In addition to student shadowing, students and teachers at the school have access to Connected Career Rounds, which is a free, online program that brings healthcare careers to life directly from the experts. Through this program, classrooms can interact with professionals, learn about different career paths, and ask questions in real-time, all without leaving their school premises. Additionally, Pathfinder Career Academy can invite professionals to share their knowledge, inspire students, and provide a platform for meaningful dialogue about careers in healthcare. Like with student shadowing, the students and teachers can use these programs to bolster their career education curricula.

In addition to the programs named above, students will also have the opportunity to apply for Cleveland Clinic’s competitive programs such as Student Pathways and CYCE’s Summer Internship Program.